The Best DIYs for Pest Control

Pests have their ways of making your blood boil. People resort to different approaches to get rid of these pesky creatures. But lately, there is a huge demand for pest control solutions, and DIYs top the list.  Here we have come with some common household products that have a natural remedy for pest control.

Coffee Grounds: Coffee grounds can be used more than just for coffee. Use coffee grounds around pest infested areas. This can be used as a critter-free solution as most critters cannot stand the strong smell of the coffee grounds and try to stay away.

Garlic-mint Insect Spray: For outdoor insect spray, try using a garlic-mint spray. Preparing this solution is quite easy. Take some mint leaves and garlic cloves and then blend them. Then add a bit of cayenne pepper and a few drops of dishwashing liquid, boil this concoction and keep it overnight before transforming into a bottle.

Borax and Sugar for Ants: Borax and sugar do the trick of eliminating ants from your home. Add a ½ cup of sugar, 1 cup of warm water, and then 2 tsp borax and spray this solution in the line where ants march.

Dust Mite Oil Repellent: Mix either clove, eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, or rosemary essential oil with water and transfer them into a spray bottle. Mites detest this scent and crawl away to save themselves from the scent. For additional pest control, you can use a mixture of basil and lemongrass- this combination not only repels dust mites but also fleas and lice.

Natural Pest Repellents: The naturally derived pest repellent sprays are the best DIY solutions to exterminate the pests from your home. They are child and pet safe and impose no toxic side effects.

Hot Pepper Spray: Mix 1 gallon of water and 3 tsp of hot pepper flakes. Simmer this ingredient in a pan for about 15 minutes and leave the solution for 24 hours. You can also add a few drops of dish soap to adhere to plants.

Apple Cider Vinegar Fruit Fly Trap: for this, you need a bottle that baits fruit flies and traps them inside. Fill the bottom of the bottle with apple cider vinegar and chopped apple pieces and let the flies find their way into the bottle.

Marigold: The scent of marigold repels the mosquitoes effectively. To get rid of mosquitoes buzzing into your ears, plant marigolds in your backyard.

Cinnamon: Grind a few cinnamon sticks and sprinkle the powder in bookshelves, window sills, and the places where you are likely to find pests. You can also use cinnamon essential oil as a solution.  Take a cotton ball and soak it in cinnamon oil and wipe it around the infested areas.
The above are solid tips for Pest extermination. Click here to find a quick solution to all your pest problems.

Published by Mdxconcepts123

Pest control does not have to be toxic. Switch to natural pest control and organic insect repellents for the health of your loved ones.

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